{{ ::sport.name }}
Live {{ ::match.participants.home.name }} - {{ ::match.participants.away.name }}
{{ ::match.categoryName }} - {{ ::match.tournamentName }}
{{ hc.getMatchTime(match) }}

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Refund Policy

This policy serves as a way to prevent disagreements with our customers but also meet the Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) standards set by the corresponding legislations.

By becoming a customer of our service, your responsibilities are:

  • Not to request or demand a refund or chargeback directly from your bank or credit card provider at any time while or after using our services.
  • Request a refund after consulting this document and any preconditions set on this document.

Refunds are only offered in case there are reasonable and justified circumstances. A precondition to this is that the payment method you chose to deposit, supports the refund functionality. The request should be made within a reasonable time frame (24 hours) to our support team. Your balance and gaming activity should have remained unchanged within that time frame. So utilising some funds and requesting a refund is not allowed. In such a case you will go through a withdrawal process. Please consult the following information before you request a refund:

  • Refunds can only be sent back to the original payment source (e.g a debit card). You can not use the refund procedure to transfer money between payment sources.
  • In case that you receive bonus credits from your deposit, such bonus credits must not be consumed and will be totally removed once your refund is executed.
  • Partial refunds are not supported. If you consume part of your balance, you have to go via the withdrawal process.
  • The withdrawal process is always governed by Enhanced Customer Due Diligence. To read more about this, please consult our AML Policy.
  • Your balance is subject to freezing in case that we identify that you attempt to exploit the refund procedure after consuming your credits. You may be held liable in a competent court of law.
  • We reserve the right to send the funds back to the initial payment source (if possible), if your funds are sitting and there is no activity in your account for a long period of time (over a year).
  • If there are reasons to suspect that the origins of your funds or your entire activities are contrary to our Anti- Money Laundering Policy, we reserve the right to deny further deposits or withdrawals, freeze your assets and refund them back. Be notified that, in such a case we are obliged to inform the governing institutions (Financial Unit) and diclose your activities and personal data, so that they are evaluated for money laundering and funding of terrorism.
  • If we reasonably classify any of your activities against the usual purpose of the service, with the presence of direct or indirect illegal intent of yours or without a good faith, we reserve the right to act upon this policy without giving any notification to you.
Reality Check
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