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Gaming Addiction

Responsibility on both sides!

Player protection and self-help

Most people play for their entertainment. Playing to a reasonable extent and within one's own financial ability is completely harmless. For a small portion of the population, however, gambling is no entertainment, but a serious problem.

What is a gambling problem?

Problem gambling is defined as gambling behavior which causes harm to the existence, the work, the financial situation or the health of an individual or their family. This means that playing for an individual life in the long run has nonconformist and negative consequences. Pathological Gambling is considered, since 1980, as an independent mental disorder image in the international classification systems DSM-IV and ICD-10. It is defined as a persistent, recurring and often even increased gambling behavior despite negative personal and social consequences such as debt, breakdown of family relations and impairment of professional development.

For gaming disorders to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.

When will this conduct be regarded as problematic or addictive behavior?

We would like to emphasize that a diagnosis in terms of problem gambling can only be made by trained specialists. This site offers materials that make it possible to assess one's own behavior and to reconsider. A particular difficulty with non-substance-bound addictions is that the transition from the desire to addiction is easy to overlook. But there are certain warning signs that may indicate a problem. In the presence of at least five of the following features a serious addiction problem can not be excluded:

  • The player is heavily occupied by gambling. The thoughts turn constantly to the games.
  • The stakes are getting higher.
  • Attempts to control the play / abandon, are unsuccessful.
  • When trying to cut down, the player becomes restless and irritable.
  • The games are used to escape problems or unpleasant feelings.
  • The player is chasing losses.
  • The player lies about his gambling.
  • The player undertakes illegal activities.
  • The player threatened or lost important relationships.
  • The player relies on the gambling money.

WHO Test

The World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO) has relevant information and tests here. Note that, goal365 does not record any of the tests you take. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, WHO serves as the worldwide standard for examination of the general health situation as well as diseases and other health problems of the people.

“Your First Step to Change" - a collection of self-change toolkits available to the public, free of charge from scientists at Harvard Medical School

Many people change their excessive behavior patterns without entering treatment. These toolkits are for individuals who would like help making a change or want information about their own risky behavior. The toolkits help people:

  • Gain information about addiction-related problems.
  • People evaluate their own addiction-related behavior.
  • Develop change strategies, should they decide that change is the best course.

You can read more about this on divisiononaddiction.org, or directly download the PDF version of the book here.

Self-control and self-protection

goal365 offers users various self-protection measures to play responsibly and provides detailed information about these options. We encourage our customers to use these tools. The self-protective measures are taken seriously and are valid for the agreed period. Please review the Responsible Gaming section

goal365 sets a maximum deposit limit for each customer

Personal limit: goal365 also offers each customer an opportunity to reduce the Company's standard deposit limit individually.

When you contact goal365 to reduce your limits downwards, this will be effective immediately. If you want your limits to be increased this will take 72 hours at the earliest.

Lock yourself: goal365 customers always have the opportunity to exclude themselves or to apply for blocking promotional emails. The available options are 1 month, 3 months or an indefinite period. Users may also be excluded from game participation.

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